Think Big: Start-up Today

As more youth of the millennial disposition grow unsatisfied with job profiles of the corporate world, they are turning towards start-ups to pursue their dreams and chase crazy ideas.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs

From filling excel spreadsheets, to pulling out endless reports, to keying in data over and over again in endless monotony or to go from door to door or from phone to phone in search of sales … This is not the ideal definition of great work. Much of the start-up phenomena that we know of has stemmed from this feeling of dissatisfaction with the present system. If you too have been feeling the same way, maybe you ought to consider why you should start a start-up.

Chase Your Dreams

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker

If you have ideas to solve the problems you see in front of you, cough it out. Large corporations are unwieldy when it comes to accepting new ideas and radical changes. For a good reason, too, as some of them can be too big to fail or change. What you need is a start-up. The process for registering a start-up has been simplified, making it a powerful, flexible and lithe in its operations. It has the freedom to experiment with crazy ideas and even if it doesn’t succeed, most people gain experience that serves as valuable life lessons and an important part of their career.

The Master of all Trades

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” Mark Twain

‘You can’t do it, if you don’t have a certificate,’ is a common misconception that has gripped and shackled us mentally from trying to do different things. A finance person can do marketing. A coder can get into the nitty-gritties of operations. A sales person should try and develop a product. Start-ups offer a chance for you to explore your entire skill sets as a person, not just what you were certified for. Learning how to perform other functions will give you insights into become better at what you are currently doing.

Hobnob with the Smartest

Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. We are the people we interact with. Keith Ferrazzi

From Paul Graham to Ratan Tata, there are a host of visionaries in the start-up scene looking to catch bright ideas to nurture them into great businesses. The access to high quality mentors will help you craft a more structured vision as to how you should run your business. Plus, you get to attend numerous conferences and programmes where you meet entrepreneurs from different areas of expertise. Your life will become one long pursuit of learning.

Start-up India. Stand-up India.

There’s a reason the government is aggressively promoting start-ups. It can be a great tool to pull a country that is lagging behind on several fronts. From creating a modern, sustainable and developed country, to create jobs for scores of highly skilled youngsters, start-ups might be the answer. This is your chance to be part of a nation-building exercise, one where you give back to society and contribute to the growth of a nation.
